Wednesday, March 19, 2014

12 Personal Questions TAG!!

Hey guys, I though you guys would like to get to know me better with the 12 personal  questions TAG. 
1.What do you order at Starbucks?
When its in the fall/winter I love getting the Pumpkin Spice Latte. But besides that I don't go there often.

2. What's one thing in your closet you can't live without?
Probably all of my tank tops because I basically a tank top everyday, but one of my favorites is my Paris one that has different colors of watermark in the background. I got it from Ross.

3. What's one thing that most people don't know about you?
That I love to listen and sing to loud music. It doesn't matter if I'm with my friends or by myself, but I especially love listening to loud music at party's. 

4. What's one thing you want to do before you die?
I would defiantly want to go visit Paris and the Eiffel Tower and London.

5. What's one food you can't live without?
I don't really have one specific food that I couldn't live without. Oops!!!

6. What's one quote you like to live your life by?
Worrying won't stop the bad stuff from happening, it just stops you from enjoying the good.

7. What's your #1 favorite song on your iPod?
I have so many favorite songs but currently my favorite is Wrecking Ball from Miley Cyrus.

8. What kind of style would you describe yourself as having?
Anything that has black, white, or grey I probably would love! My favorite stores would be Forever 21, Charlotte Russe, Papaya, and Wet Seal. Those stores basically describe my style.

9. Favorite Number?
Don't have one!!!

10. Three Hobbies?
Blogging, Makeup, and Organization.

11. Two pet peeves?
When people talk with food in there mouth and when people chew and I can see there food in their mouth.

12. Your guilty pleasures?
They wouldn't be called guilty pleasures if I told you guys what they were!!!

I hope you guys enjoyed a different type of blog post today. In the comments tell me your guilty pleasures. P.S. Next week I'm going to New York City for a couple days so check back soon to see everything I did there.

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